Yewr buk wul bie er biig cellar wit alot uv peple.
// Too mean to the newbie? I keed!
ok so i realized, sadly, that since absolutely no one wanted to buy me a beer on the top five posters topic, that no one really knows me yet still after almost a year!!!
so guys here your chance, ask away, what do you want to know?
i love this site and use it regulary (read more than post) as therapy for me healing after leaving the borg so i'd like to be more than a nobody... so get to know me, for real, ask away!!!!.
Yewr buk wul bie er biig cellar wit alot uv peple.
// Too mean to the newbie? I keed!
that wouldn't matter to you if they dropped off the face of the planet?
now, only the sadists will feel bad about being left off of this list.
Nice! Stilla wins with empirical data.
i'll start:.
awakened @ gilead .
billy the x bethelite.
I'm signing up for the "Beers with avatar-less posters that no one listens to" list
-- Not Beering It. Liquor is quicker, baby!
ok, so i have a serious question.
probably my first on here, but this has always bugged me, and i've never received a satisfactory answer.. how does someone become annointed?
when i was a child, my grandpa, who was an elder, told me that if you are of the annointed, you just know.
Seriously, I've talked to several Brothers and Sisters about certain "anointed" people and in private they say that those people are just "crazy".
SA, what makes them think crazy and annointed are mutually exclusive!?
Everyone knows that you had to call dibs on it before 1935. Oh wait, what? Now anyone can call dibs again after 2007 or whatever. But if you tried between now and 1935, you are still crazy.
-- Not Feeling It
[this is the true story of my life.
i'm posting it in installments.
the final installment will include post-script-type thoughts, with acknowledgements to those who've helped me along these last two years, as well as those who've been an inspiration.
excellent story, dp. I didn't read it before now but saw the chapters. it did not disappoint. ... you mentioned your wife asking how she is perceived. I have to say I was skeptical through the story but she showed admirable dedication to you and deep commitment. I hope she continues to love and support you despite any religious differences you may have. -- not feeling it
i just thought i'd briefly introduce myself.
my name is april, i am a navy wife and mother of six children, will be 30 next month, and have been disfellowshipped for almost 12 years.
i was also reproved two years prior to that.
Sorry to hear you are now shunned forever a decision you made as a child -- barely adolescent even. I always wondered what happened/happens to many of those kids who "dedicate" at such a wee age. I was 16 and that seems young to me in hindsight.
Be glad you are in a better place now. Keep working to improve your life and be the best person you can be!
-- Not Feeling It
the two mentioned in this article are dubs.
he he he..
Oh Noes! The article doesn't mention thier religion. How will we protect the children?
// Tired of whining JWs who complain about the religion getting mentioned in connection with crime because it drags Jehovah's name through the mud. On second thought, that is typical of murder, rape, child abuse.
this thread is dedicated to anything demon related.. go for it..
(Deleted post, sorry. posted from my phone & this site won't keep correct formatting. I'll post again when I get to my computer)
I hope you post it back. It was amusing and insightful.
// my phone doesn't allow formatting (even carriage returns) regardless of what I select in the posting menu either. Whatever, I still let it fly. Worst case, no one reads what I say. Boo hoo.
i disassociated myself from this board a month ago, regrouped, caught up on necessary business, and now i want to come back.
you newbies won't remember the circumstances, but you "oldies but goodies" will.
is it okay if i return.
Not Feeling It said:Political threads are crap because I'm sure whatever your ideology, someone thinks it's wrong. Cool.I really enjoy participating in them though. But, I will refrain from now on ( I'll try) because it is truly an exercise in futility (on this board, anyway ). I've come to realize the striving to find balance is first a personal journey than a community one. But I'm still going to read them.
I'm sorry, I can't talk to you until I've researched your aforementioned politics. At which point I will comment back regarding my prejudice around your stupid, cry-baby opinions and how terrible they are.
Seriously though, I agree with your point regarding futility on this board. There doesn't seem to be much give and take. Additionally, I think there is too much domination of strict Right vs Left ideology which extends beyond this board. Too many people are judged far too quickly for being liberal or conservative (nevermind lame regionally specific parties and affilliations). There are spaces in between and even different layers (e.g. moral liberalism and fiscal conservatism.)
Beyond that, this is a fascinating board with tremendously helpful insights from the formerly JW and related communities.
Welcome back!
-- Not Feeling It.
i was just wondering how many of you have found a "new faith" since leaving the jw"s. for instance, are u a member of another church, another religion, or are u now a committed atheist.
if u have found a new faith, what convinces you that its the right one?.
Religion is not for me. I still believe in god. But I think god's nature and if god wants anything of me is irrellevant. I also think morality can be taught independently from religion.